Camp Kahuna Policies 2025

Summer Camp Refund Policies 2025
All fees must be paid in full by June 1st.
Cancelling before March 16th - If you cancel your registration before March 16th, you will receive a refund of your registration fee minus a $25.00 administration fee per camper or camp.
Cancelling after March 16th and before July 1st - If you cancel your registration after March 16th and before June 1st, you will receive a refund of your registration fee minus a $50.00 administration fee per camper or camp.
No Refunds or Credits After July 1st.
Medical Reasons
Refunds will only be issued for cancellations after July 1st if the cancellation is due to a medical reason. A doctor's note is required in such cases, and you will be refunded your fee minus the non-refundable deposit.
E-transfers: Payments should be made online; however, if you pay by e-transfer, funds must be sent to info@campkahuna.com. No other email is used for e-transfers, and the account will be considered unpaid if funds are transferred to any other email.
What are non-refundable Deposits? The non-refundable deposit covers non-recoupable processing fees to Camp Kahuna. You have secured a spot that could have been given to another child. By June 1st, families had already booked a spot in another camp, so waitlists were no longer relevant.
Credits: Credits are not refundable. They can be applied to a future Camp Kahuna event and are available for two summers: the summer you request them and the following summer.
Waitlists: We often hear that we can take a child off the waitlist if a cancellation is made. Families only stay on a waitlist for a limited time, so this is not usually an option.
Your registration fees must be paid in full by July 1st. If payments are not complete, you risk losing your camp spot and deposit.
CREDITS: Credits: Credits are not refundable. They can be applied to a future Camp Kahuna event. They are available for two summers: the summer you request the credit and the following summer.
Upon registration with Camp Kahuna, you agree to the terms and conditions, including the non-refundable deposit per registration. Please note: This deposit covers non-recoupable processing fees to Camp Kahuna. The non-refundable fee is $50 per child per day camp and $100 per sleepaway camp up to July 1st.
DAY CAMPS & FULL WEEK SLEEP-AWAY CAMPS: The registration fee must be paid in full by **July 1st**.
HALF-WEEK SLEEP-AWAY CAMP: The registration fee must be paid in full by **June 1st**.
Failure to complete payment by the specified deadlines may result in the forfeiture of your camp spot, which will be offered to families on our waitlists.
3. RAINY DAYS AT CAMP: Camp is on whether it rains or shines. My Staff prepares rainy-day activities for our campers. If parents cancel because of the weather, there are no refunds or make-up days. The summer camps are full, and we cannot transfer campers into other weeks of camp as an alternative. We play in the rain. Children will have a great time if they are dressed for the weather.
4. WEATHER: At Camp Kahuna, the safety and well-being of our campers is our top priority. While we strive to provide an enjoyable and enriching experience, circumstances beyond our control, such as inclement weather, may necessitate the cancellation of camp activities.
Weather-Related Cancellations
1. **Rain or Severe Weather:** In the event of rain or severe weather conditions, Camp Kahuna reserves the right to cancel camp activities for the safety of our campers and staff. This includes but is not limited to heavy rain, thunderstorms, air quality, extreme heat, and other hazardous weather conditions.
2. **No Refunds Policy:** Please note that no refunds for cancellations due to weather-related circumstances will be issued. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter, as these decisions are made with the utmost consideration for safety.
CommunicationIn the event of a weather-related cancellation, we will notify parents and guardians promptly through our designated communication channels. We encourage you to regularly check for updates and ensure your contact information is current. Thank you for your understanding and continued support of Camp Kahuna.
Please note that in thirty years we have only cancelled camp twice, and both times were for safety reasons. The safety of your children will always be our top priority.
AIR QUALITY CONTINGENCY PLAN: If the air quality is compromised or there is a scorching day, we adjust our camp program. We play less active games, utilize the shade and cool camp areas, and have the campers in the creek and pool.
MISSING CAMP DUE TO SICKNESS: If your child misses camp due to illness, there are no refunds or credits.

Health and Safety Protocols 2024
Camp Kahuna takes the health and safety of our campers seriously. Camp Kahuna follows the most current health and safety policies mandated by the provincial government, in addition to further health and safety measures.
Washrooms (porta-potties) are equipped with handwashing sinks, including soap and sanitizers. The porta-potties are cleaned daily by camp staff and professionally cleaned twice a week. We have four porta-potties at our Sidrabene site and two porta-potties at our Nemo site.
Each day camp location will have porta-potties with anti-bacterial soap and running water. We will be upgrading these washrooms in 2025 to be cleaner and less "outdoorsy."

Safety Policies
PHOTOS: Photos of the campers and camp activities are often taken during camp. These photos may be used as a promotion on Facebook and the Kids 4 Kids Leadership website. If you do not wish your child to be photographed, please email the Kids 4 Kids office to make this request. We will not photograph your child if you request us not to.
We take the safety of our campers seriously and will do everything in our power to ensure the children's safety. We will let you know if there is a significant injury or incident, e.g., a physical incident with another camper or bullying. My Staff will record the details of the incident. We do not report minor issues like cuts, scrapes, minor falls, etc.
In the event of a heat advisory while our campers are on our property, we will adhere to the following process:
We will ensure all our campers have access to drinking water.
Our campers will stop every 30 minutes for a drink of water.
Our campers will not play active games involving running or exertion.
Passive games will be played in the shade.
We will program additional water activities throughout the day.
Campers can access the creek, pool and water mushroom throughout the camp day.
We will buy our campers freezies to cool them down.
Staff will check in with campers frequently to ensure they are hydrated and have been drinking water.
Refunds are not issued if parents decide not to send their children to camp because of inclement weather.
If the air quality is compromised, we adjust our camp program. We play less strenuous, active games, utilize the shade and cool camp areas, and have the campers in the creek and pool. We will modify our camp program accordingly to ensure the health and safety of our campers, as our campers are our priority. Campers do have the option of wearing masks if parents feel this will help their child.
Swimming will take place in camp groups. Each group will have a scheduled swim time (pool, creek and water mushroom). Certified lifeguards are present at all times. All campers are required to take a swim test. If a camper is six years of age or under, they must always be in a life jacket or puddle jumper.
In consideration of my application being accepted for the above program, I hereby waive, release, and discharge any and all claims for damages for personal injury and property damages that may hereafter occur to me as a result of participation in said event.
This release is intended to discharge in advance the Kids 4 Kids Leadership Program Inc., Camp Kahuna, St.Andrew's Evangelical Lutheran Latvian Church Congregation in Toronto and Sidrabene, its officials, officers, employees, volunteers and agents from liability, even though that liability may arise out of perceived negligence on the part of persons mentioned above.
Parents/guardians acknowledge Camp Kahuna is not operated by St.Andrew's Evangelical Lutheran Latvian Church Congregation in Toronto/Camp Sidrabene and that St. Andrews Evangelical Lutheran Latvian Church/Camp Sidrabene does not sponsor, supervise or provide any care concerning Camp Kahuna’s operations.
It is understood that some recreational activities involve an element of risk or danger of accidents, and knowing those risks, I hereby assume those risks. It is further understood and agreed that this waiver, release and assumption of risk will be binding on my heirs and assignees.
Parental Consent (Complete if applicant is under 18): I consent my child to participate in the above activities and execute the above liability release on their behalf.
Consent for Treatment I hereby consent to have the above applicant treated by emergency medical personnel, a physician, or a surgeon in case of sudden illness or injury while participating in the above activity.
It is understood that Kids 4 Kids Leadership Program Inc. will provide no medical insurance for such treatment and that the cost thereof will be at my expense. I have read and understood the foregoing registration liability release and parental consent form and agree to all its terms and conditions.

Camp Kahuna puts every effort forward to accommodate campers with special needs. Camp Kahuna does not identify any stringent policies regarding campers with special needs, as several factors determine whether we can provide a safe, suitable environment. Suitability and capabilities vary depending on the number of campers and Staff onsite. Camp Kahuna will ensure all campers are successful and safe and will do everything we can to ensure safety and camp quality. Therefore, if you have a special needs child and wish to attend a Camp Kahuna camp, please get in touch with us, and we will review each case independently. Unfortunately, we do not offer one-to-one care for special needs campers. This service would need to be provided by the caregiver.
Should campers at Camp Kahuna present behavioural challenges, the following process is defined:
1. We talk to the camper to see what the difficulty is and relate our expectations
2. If the behaviour continues, the child will have a time-out, missing a few minutes of an activity
3. If the behaviour continues, we will contact a parent or guardian to inform them of what is going on and ask for suggestions
4. If the behaviour continues, the child will talk to their parent
5. If the behaviour continues, the child goes home for a day or the rest of the week, depending on the behaviour
We want all children to be successful and will work with the child and parent to ensure this success. We must consider the other campers, and if a camper's behaviour affects other campers, we must decide whether a child stays at camp or goes home.
There are specific behaviours we send campers home for physically hurting other campers, endangering campers, and ongoing deviance.
Camp Kahuna works diligently to ensure that all camp families are satisfied with the quality of our camp program. Should there be any concerns, comments or questions with the camp program, camp staff or campers, please take these up with our lead Staff, who work onsite at Camp Kahuna. We are always interested in constructive criticism as we want our camp to exceed your expectations.
If you have a concern or question about camp, we would prefer to talk to you face to face. Emails do not have a "tone" and can be misinterpreted.

Peanuts & Water& Diets
Camp Kahuna is a peanut-free facility. We buy all food for sleepaway camps, ensuring that it is peanut-free. We thoroughly clean our kitchen area and do everything possible to eliminate contaminants and reduce risk. Day camps are also peanut-free. We ask that parents not send their campers items containing or containing our facility's peanuts.
Camp Kahuna provides safe and accessible drinking water stations around our facility. Each day, you must send a refillable water bottle to camp with your camper.
Camp Kahuna can accommodate some special diets at our sleepaway camps.
Dairy-sensitive/Lactose intolerant - lactose-free milk will be available. For mail meals, campers must provide and take lactese/lactade pills.
We cannot accommodate the following diets because of the limits of our facility – celiac, kosher, pescatarian, pescatarian, vegan, and completely dairy-free i.e. milk solids etc. in food.
IMPORTANT: Parents must disclose dietary restrictions. Children have disclosed their dietary needs at camp, which doesn't work. We have already bought food. It's unfair to my kitchen staff to go to the store to purchase different food while camp is in progress.
If parents have disclosed their child's dietary needs and have paid for this option, we have no problem accommodating them. We cannot accommodate dietary requirements which are disclosed while at camp. If this happens, parents will be contacted and must supply the additional food at their expense.
We will only accommodate your child's needs if you have indicated these needs on the registration form. For example:
Some children are "trying" the gluten diet but are not gluten-sensitive. They can eat regular food. We buy all our food before camp and can only buy other food once the camp begins. Please tell us on the camp application and choose this food sensitivity option when registering. We will happily accommodate your children if you follow the proper process.
Disclosing dietary requirements is essential to ensure your child receives meals they can eat and enjoy.
Camp Kahuna is an outdoor camp. Campers will get dirty and possibly wet, as we play in the creek. If your child comes home dirty, they most likely had the time of their lives.
We do have mosquitos. They are usually gone after the first week of July, but it depends on whether we have had a wet summer or not. Please make sure your child has mosquito repellent. We are not legally permitted to apply it to your child, however my staff will remind the campers throughout the day to reapply their mosquito repellent.
(Sleepaway Camps) Campers are not permitted to bring cell phones to camp. The reason for this policy is:
1) cell phones encourage homesickness. It is easy for a child to text or phone a parent when they feel homesick. It can encourage homesickness in others as well.
2) They can get lost or damaged
3) They can be misused by accessing social media sites or using inappropriate websites.
(Day Camps) The parent's responsibility is to put sunscreen on their child before day camps start. Camp Kahuna staff will remind campers throughout the day to reapply their sunscreen.
If a child is on medication during the school year, it is recommended that they be on it during the summer.
(Sleep Away Camp) All medication that comes into Camp Kahuna must be in its original container, labelled with the name of the medication and dosage. All medication will be handed over to our camp nurse at check-in and returned to you when you check out. We cannot give a camper medicine if it isn't in its original container. This is to ensure the safety of all campers.
(Both Day Camps and Sleep Away Camps) We will send you daily emails from Camp Kahuna to let you know what the kids did each day and if there is anything you need to know for the next days at camp.​
Our campers may receive a treat during day camps. The treats at day camps are usually popsicles or S'mores at our campfire. We try to buy mostly fruit popsicles; however, this is only sometimes possible. It depends on availability. We limit the amount of candy/sugary treats served. If your child is not permitted treats or you would like to suggest an alternative treatment, please let us know before camp starts. We respect that some parents wish their children not to have sugary products. We need to be informed before camp starts. All food that comes into Kids 4 Kids is peanut-free.
If your child leaves items at camp, we will keep them for one week after camp and donate them to a charity. Parents are responsible for contacting the camp and picking the items up. If we find items with the camper's name, we will try our best to return them to the camper during their stay at camp.
Our summer camps have a 7:1 counsellor-to-camper ratio.
Camp Kahuna Staff are required to have standard first aid and CPR. We have a lifeguard on duty at all times when the campers are swimming at Camp Kahuna.
At our Camp Kahuna day camps, we have a 40 by 40 and a 40 x 60 wedding tent. We do not have access to an indoor facility. We will play in the rain unless there is lighting. We may move the campers to the various camp structures if there are heavy winds or lightning. We will always keep our campers safe. If it looks like a "rainy day," please ensure your kids are in their rain gear before arriving at camp.
Camp Kahuna Day Camps: When you drop your child off for a summer day camp, please meet our Staff in the parking lot and check your child into camp. Parents should drop their kids off at the drop-off zone and leave camp immediately. We want to keep the traffic moving and avoid large gatherings.
If you know you will be late, please call our lead Staff Connor – at 289-208-1547 to make arrangements.
Camp Kahuna Half-Week Sleep-away: Drop-off for the half-week is between 9:00 am and 9:30 am. Pick-up is between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm.
Camp Kahuna Full-Week Sleep-away: Drop off for the August full-week camp is on Sunday at 12:30 p.m. for families whose names start with the letters A to K and at 1:15 p.m. for families whose names start with the letters L to Z. Pick up on Friday is anytime between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.